Two Tiny Heroes. One Big Adventure! From Walt Disney's original team of legendary master animators who brought you
The Jungle Book comes a thrilling adventure and timeless tale overflowing with action, suspense and extraordinary little heroes you can't help but love!
Join the shy but brave mouse Bernard and his glamorous partner Miss Bianca-two tiny heroes on a great big mission to save Penny, a young girl who has sent an urgent call for help! Taking off on the wings of the Albatross Orville, together they soar to the marshy swamp of Devil's Bayou. There, they find themselves on the riverboat hideout of the hilariously evil Madame Medusa, who wants to use Penny to steal the world's largest diamond!
With Oscar-nominated music, a snappy new remastering, and all-new bonus features with a multitude of surprises,
The Rescuers is high-flying fun you'll want to share with your loved ones again and again!