"This utterly original, utterly hilarious series is one of the best television comedies ever made." -The New York Post Look Out, Fashion World! Edina, trendsetter extraordinaire, and her fab friend Patsy are here to singe the smart set with their hilarious misadventures in one of the most talked-about and funniest BBC comedy series ever.
Hospital: Patsy has sold her scandalous story to "Hello Magazine" and she's got a week to look 35 for the photos. It's either a bungee jump with elastic tied to the back of her head or a facelift.
Death: Edina's father is dead. Bu is it art?
Morocco: Patsy, Eddie and Saffy go to Marrakech on a fashion shoot looking for underage sex, drugs and the indigenous population (whatever that is).
New Best Friend: Eddie's old friends are coming to stay! However after a few minutes with them and their offspring, she realizes that baby puke doesn't mix with designer dresses.
Poor: Eddie's two-faced ex-husbands are cutting her off and she's going to be poor!
Birth: Saff's top button is undone and something in a blue kagoul is hovering around the front door. Eddie is armed with her Cosmo Sex Quiz ready for some mother-daughter bonding.