The shortest distance between friends isn't always a straight line. In an endearing and funny coming-of-age story, Dennis (Timothy Olyphant -
GO, Scream 2) can't quite decide if his friends are a blessing or a curse. Once you meet them, you'll know why.
Benji (Zach Braff) is a punkish youth whose obsession with gym bods gets him into trouble. Howie (Matt McGrath -
Boys Don't Cry) is an annoyingly overanalyzing psychology grad student who can't let go of his ex-boyfriend. Cole (Dean Cain - TV's
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) is a "pretty boy" actor who goes through guys like clean underwear. Patrick (Ben Weber) is a painfully ordinary "Average Joe" whose insecurity has turned him bitter. Taylor (Billy Porter) is the resident drama queen who prides himself on his LTR (long term relationship) only to find himself sleeping single in a double bed. Jack (John Mahoney - TV's
Frasier, Tin Men) is the group's wizened patriarch whose restaurant is a haven for them all. And then there's Kevin, (Andrew Keegan -
10 Things I Hate About You, TV's
Party Of Five) the naïve "newbie" and most recent addition to the club.
To an outsider, it may seem like the only thing these friends have in common is that they play on the same team, but when times get tough, these friends are more like family.